About us


My name is Victoria and I am a trainee surgeon based in the Scottish Highlands. With the last few years being difficult for everyone I sought out distractions in the form of arts and crafts, something I used to love but had lost touch over the years. I wanted these arts and crafts to benefit others as well as myself and so I started making candles. Candles are not just a light, they can help relaxation as well as provide attractive unique art pieces for the home. The decorative candles have in various ways been inspired by the things in my life that I love; The figure candles are inspired by my love of anatomy of the human body, The Dogs are inspired by my own dog Henry and there is a general theme of love of travel and the highlands. 

More recently I have started making felted creations which have allowed the creativity to go wild...literally. 

I have endeavoured to ensure that all products have been made eco-friendly and cruelty free. Each creation, be it candle or craft, are individually made, this allows for personalisation and allows for unique gifts for yourself or for others. As this is a hobby business I have pledged 15% of the profits of all products to charity.

I have always tried to make others happy, I have based my career on providing excellent patient care, but I have made this business to provide excellent self care for all



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